6. Force and the added mass


This part introduces the calculation of the force and moment on the body through the negative rate of change of impulse in the fluid. The continuous expressions for linear and angular impulse (about the origin) are, in two dimensions,

\[\begin{align} \boldsymbol{P} &= \int_{V_f} \boldsymbol{x}\times \boldsymbol{\omega}\,\mathrm{d}V + \int_{S_b} \boldsymbol{x}\times \left( \boldsymbol{n}\times\boldsymbol{v}\right)\,\mathrm{d}S \\ \boldsymbol{\Pi}_0 &= \frac{1}{2}\int_{V_f} \boldsymbol{x}\times \left(\boldsymbol{x}\times\boldsymbol{\omega}\right)\,\mathrm{d}V + \frac{1}{2} \int_{S_b} \boldsymbol{x}\times \left[ \boldsymbol{x}\times\left( \boldsymbol{n} \times \boldsymbol{v} \right) \right] \,\mathrm{d}S \end{align}\]

If there is only a single body, then the force and moment (about the origin) exerted by the fluid on that body are given by

\[\boldsymbol{F} = -\rho \frac{\mathrm{d}\boldsymbol{P}}{\mathrm{d}t}, \qquad \boldsymbol{M}_{0} = -\rho \frac{\mathrm{d}\boldsymbol{\Pi}_{0}}{\mathrm{d}t},\]

where $\rho$ is the fluid density. In the two-dimensional applications of this package, angular impulse and the moment have only a single component, e.g., $\boldsymbol{\Pi}_0 =\Pi_0\boldsymbol{e}_z$, where $\boldsymbol{e}_z$ is the unit vector out of the plane.

Point vortices past a cylinder

To verify our method of calculating the impulse, we create a model of two point vortices of equal and opposite circulation positioned at both sides of the $x$-axis, with the $x$-axis as axis of symmetry, and left of a circular cylinder positioned at the origin. If the top vortex has a positive circulation, the vortices propel each other towards the cylinder and convect past it. This configuration has an analytical solution for the trajecory and impulse.

See the notebook in the examples folder for the analytical solution.

We use a rectangular grid.

Lx = 10.0
Ly = 4.0
xlim = (-Lx/2,Lx/2)
ylim = (-Ly/2,Ly/2)
g = PhysicalGrid(xlim, ylim, 0.04)
PhysicalGrid{2}((256, 104), (128, 52), 0.04, ((-5.08, 5.08), (-2.04, 2.04)), 4)
Rc = 1
circle = Circle(Rc,2*cellsize(g))
pfb = PotentialFlowBody(circle)

Δs = dlength(circle);

The initial spacing between the vortices is y∞. After the vortices pass the cylinder, they should return to this spacing.

y∞ = Rc/2
v1 = Vortex(-Lx/2+10*cellsize(g),y∞,1.0);
v2 = Vortex(-Lx/2+10*cellsize(g),-y∞,-1.0);

We create the vortex model with these two point vortices and the circle and advance the position of the point vortices over some time. We use OrdinaryDiffEq.RK4() for the time stepping and we compute the impulse history with impulse in a post-processing step.

model = VortexModel(g,bodies=[pfb],vortices=[v1,v2]);

function rhs(X,model,t)
    Ẋ = vortexvelocities!(model)
    return Ẋ

import OrdinaryDiffEq
X = getvortexpositions(model)
prob = OrdinaryDiffEq.ODEProblem(rhs,X,(0.0,64.0),model);
sol = OrdinaryDiffEq.solve(prob,dt=0.1,OrdinaryDiffEq.RK4(),dense=false,adaptive=false);

Using the history of the vortex positions in sol.u, we can calculate the impulse history.

Px_numerical_hist = []
Py_numerical_hist = []
for u in sol.u
    Px, Py = impulse(model)

When we compare the trajectories and impulse history, the numerical and analytical solution should match closely, which is indeed the case.

Example block output
Example block output

Flat plate

We can apply this method also to our flat plate example and compare it to the Biot-Savart method from the PotentialFlow.jl package.

See the notebook in the examples folder for the Biot-Savart solution.

Because we create the PotentialFlow.jl model with a moving plate instead of a uniform flow, we specify a translational velocity. The GridPotentialFlow.jl model will still use a moving body coordinate system and thus a uniform flow that equals the negative translational velocity.

c = 1.0;   # chord length

ċ = -1.0;  # translational velocity
α = -π/3;   # angle of attack

σLE = 0.0;
σTE = 0.0;

Δt = 5e-2;
tf = 1.0;
T = 0.0:Δt:tf;
Δx = 0.01
xlim = (-0.5,2)
ylim = (-1,1)
g = PhysicalGrid(xlim,ylim,Δx);
dsdx = 2
plate = RigidBodyTools.Plate(c,dsdx*Δx)
pfb = PotentialFlowBody(plate,edges=[1,length(plate)],σ=[SuctionParameter(σLE),SuctionParameter(σTE)])
transform = RigidTransform((0.0,0.0),-π/3)
Δs = dlength(plate)

As before, we create the initial vortices based on the time step and uniform flow and define a function that create the new point vortices for the subsequent time steps.

firstvLE = GridPotentialFlow.Vortex(plate.x[1]+3Δt*(-ċ)*cos(plate.α+π/2),plate.y[1]+3Δt*(-ċ)*sin(plate.α+π/2),0.0);
firstvTE = GridPotentialFlow.Vortex(plate.x[end]+3Δt*(-ċ)*cos(plate.α+π/2),plate.y[end]+3Δt*(-ċ)*sin(plate.α+π/2),0.0);
function createsheddedvortices(plate,oldvortices)

    vLE = GridPotentialFlow.Vortex(2/3*plate.x[1]+1/3*oldvortices[end-1].x,2/3*plate.y[1]+1/3*oldvortices[end-1].y,0.0)
    vTE = GridPotentialFlow.Vortex(2/3*plate.x[end]+1/3*oldvortices[end].x,2/3*plate.y[end]+1/3*oldvortices[end].y,0.0)

    return vLE,vTE
createsheddedvortices (generic function with 1 method)

The model free stream should be the negative of the translational velocity of the plate.

model = VortexModel(g,bodies=[pfb],vortices=[firstvLE,firstvTE],U∞=(-ċ,0.0));

Then we enter a time stepping loop and record the impulse every time we create new vortices. Note that because we release new vortices at every time step, it is not straightforward to use a multi-step time integration method like RK4 to advance the positions of the point vortices. Instead, we use forward Euler and the size of the positions vector increases every time step by the number of new vortices we insert. To advance the system one time step, we first need to solve the saddle-point system, set the strengths of the new vortices, subtract that circulation from the bodies, and calculate the vortex velocities with the saddle-point system solution. For convenience, these four operations are carried out internally if we would call vortexvelocities!(model). However, if we want to have access to the solution of the saddle-point system, we can explicitly perform each operation as is done in the following time stepping loop. Note that we have to set the strengths of the new vortices before calling the impulse function, otherwise the new vortices won't be included in the calculation.

Px_hist = Float64[];
Py_hist = Float64[];
sol = solve(model);
for tloc in T[2:end]
    X = getvortexpositions(model) # gets bigger every time step because we add vortices
    Ẋ = deepcopy(X)

    solve!(sol, model)
    setvortexstrengths!(model, sol.δΓ_vec, length(X.u)-1:length(X.u))
    subtractcirculation!(model.bodies, sol.δΓ_vec)
    Px, Py = impulse(model)

    vortexvelocities!(Ẋ, model, sol.ψ)
    X .= X .+ Ẋ*Δt
    setvortexpositions!(model, X)

    vLE, vTE = createsheddedvortices(plate,model.vortices)
┌ Warning: Assignment to `X` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `X` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local X` to suppress this warning or `global X` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @ 6.-Force-and-the-added-mass.md:256

The force history can be obtained by taking finite differences of the impulse history.

Fx_hist = -diff(Px_hist)/Δt;
Fy_hist = -diff(Py_hist)/Δt;

We can now compare the positions of the point vortices by shifting the PotentialFlow.jl solution by -tf*ċ such that the origin of the frame of reference coincides with the center plate. Superimposing the GridPotentialFlow.jl solution then shows that the positions of the point vortices agree very well.

Example block output

The vertical impulse and the vertical force (lift) can also be compared and show good agreement as well.

Example block output
Example block output

Added mass

The added mass tensor provides a measure of the inertial influence of the fluid on the body in response to changes in the body's translational or rotational motion. The coefficients of the added mass tensor of a body are obtained by computing the impulse components associated with a unit-valued component of motion. The motion's influence is both direct, via the surface velocity, and indirect, in the bound vortex sheet that develops on the surface.

The added mass for simple geometries can easiliy be calculated in an analytical way. For example, the entries of the translational added mass tensor for an ellipse with semi-major axis $a$ and semi-minor axis $b$ are $m_{xx} = \rho \pi b^2$ for motion in the $x$ direction, $m_{yy} = \rho \pi a^2$ for motion in the $y$-direction, with the diagonal entries $m_{xy}=m_{yx}=0$. By using addedmass from this package we can approximate these results numerically. In this case, we have one body and the method will return a matrix with the entries

\[\begin{bmatrix} m_{xx} & m_{xy} \\ m_{yx} & m_{yy} \end{bmatrix}.\]

a = 0.5
b = 0.25
ellipse = Ellipse(a,b,Δx)
pfb = PotentialFlowBody(ellipse)
model = VortexModel(g,bodies=[pfb])
M = GridPotentialFlow.addedmass(model)
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.209462     9.61687e-17
 9.50845e-17  0.804017

We can compare the values using the @test macro.

using Test
@test isapprox(M[1,1], π*b^2, rtol=1e-1)
Test Passed
@test isapprox(M[2,2], π*a^2, atol=1e-1)
Test Passed

In the case of $N$ bodies, addedmass returns the translational added mass tensor of size $2N$-by-$2N$. As an example, we will compute the added mass tensor for an array of cylinders. To compare it with an analytically obtained solution, we will calculate the added mass matrix tensor for the following gap-to-radius ratios.

GRratios = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.8,1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6];

For this case, the array consists of three rows of three cylinders.

n = 100
rows = 3
columns = 3
N = rows*columns
R = 0.20
𝒱 = π*R^2
bodies = fill(Circle(R,2*cellsize(g)),N);
Δs = minimum(dlength(bodies[1]));

We loop over the gap-to-radius ratios, position the bodies, and compute the ratio of the largest eigenvalue to the largest diagonal element of the translational added mass tensor. To position the bodies, we defined the method rectangulararray (see notebook in the examples folder).

using Statistics: mean
using LinearAlgebra: eigen
λoverMratios = zeros(length(GRratios))
for idx in 1:length(GRratios)
    #global bodies
    gap = GRratios[idx]*R
    spacing = 2*R+gap
    bodycenters = rectangulararray(rows,columns,spacing)
    for i in 1:N
        Tf = RigidTransform((bodycenters.u[i],bodycenters.v[i]),0.0)
        tmp_body = bodies[i]
        #global bodies[i] = Tf(deepcopy(bodies[i]))
        bodies[i] = deepcopy(tmp_body)
    body_list = PotentialFlowBody.(bodies)
    vm = VortexModel(g,bodies=body_list);
    M = GridPotentialFlow.addedmass(vm)/𝒱
    eigM = eigen(M);
    max_eig_value_coef = maximum(real(eigM.values))
    max_self_added_mass_coef = maximum(M)
    λoverMratios[idx] = max_eig_value_coef/max_self_added_mass_coef
┌ Warning: Assignment to `M` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `M` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local M` to suppress this warning or `global M` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @ 6.-Force-and-the-added-mass.md:405

The same ratios, obtained in an analytical way, are available in literature [1] and can be used to verify the numerical values.

nineRodArrayChen = [2.3637,2.2092,2.1007,2.0120,1.9350,1.8665,1.7494,1.6531,1.5732,1.5066,1.4508];
Example block output

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  • 1Chen, S. S. (1975) "Vibration of nuclear fuel bundles," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 35 (3), 399-–422.