
Tools for post-processing solutions of immersed layer PDEs

The objective of this package is to supply a variety of post-processing tools for solutions of PDEs carried out with the ImmersedLayers.jl package, and the domain-specific subpackages, such as ViscousFlow.jl. The post-processing tools[1] currently available are

  • Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)
  • Dynamic mode decomposition (DMD)
  • Finite-time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE)


This package works on Julia 1.7 and above and is registered in the general Julia registry. To install from the REPL, type e.g.,

] add ILMPostProcessing

Then, in any version, type

julia> using ILMPostProcessing

The plots in this documentation are generated using Plots.jl. You might want to install that, too, to follow the examples.


  • 1Taira, K. et al (2017) "Modal Analysis of Fluid Flows: An Overview," AIAA Journal, 55(12), 4013–4041.