A time-varying PDE with forcing

In a previous example of the Poisson equation we demonstrated the use of point forcing. In this example we will explore other ways to apply forcing to a PDE. Our target problem will be similar to the most recent example – transient heat conduction – but now it will be in an unbounded domain. Our forcing will comprise local area heating and line heating. We will also include convection by an externally-imposed velocity field.

The governing equations are

\[\dfrac{\partial T}{\partial t} + \mathbf{v}\cdot\nabla T = \kappa \nabla^2 T + q\]

where $\mathbf{v}$ is a known convection velocity field and $q$ is a known heating field (scaled by the density and specific heat)

In our discrete formulation, the problem takes the form

\[\mathcal{L}_C^\kappa T = -N(\mathbf{v},T) + q\]

where $N$ is a discrete approximation for the convection term $\mathbf{v}\cdot\nabla T$, and $\mathcal{L}_C^\kappa = \mathrm{d}/\mathrm{d}t - \kappa L_C$ is the same diffusion operator as in the previous example. Note that these equations are no longer constrained. We only need to supply the right-hand side function. Our job here is to provide everything needed to compute this right-hand side.

We will apply the heating and cooling inside of local regions. As we discussed before, for each forcing, we supply information about the shape of the forcing region and the model function, supplying the forcing strength whenever we need it. We package these together into a forcing model and provide it to the problem via the forcing keyword.

The convection velocity also must be provided. We also make use of the forcing keyword to supply this to the problem, as well, in the form of a function that returns the current convection velocity at a given time t. The convective derivative term N requires a special cache, which we also generate in the prob_cache.

We will highlight these aspects in the example that follows. In this example, we will create

  • a square-shaped line forcing region that delivers a certain amount of heat per unit length of line
  • a circular-shaped area forcing region that supplies heat based on the heat-transfer model $h\cdot(T_0\cos(2\pi f t)-T)$, where $h$ is the heat transfer coefficient, $T$ is the current local temperature,

and $T_0$ is the amplitude of an oscillatory heater temperature, oscillating at frequency $f$

  • a background rotational velocity field, with angular velocity $\Omega$.
using ImmersedLayers
using Plots
using UnPack

Set up the grid

Let's set up the grid first before we go any further

Δx = 0.01
Lx = 4.0
xlim = (-Lx/2,Lx/2)
ylim = (-Lx/2,Lx/2)
g = PhysicalGrid(xlim,ylim,Δx);

Specify the physical parameters

We supply here the diffusivity ($\kappa$) and the uniform convection velocity. We also supply the grid Fourier number and a CFL number, which we will make use of later to calculate the time step size.

phys_params = Dict("diffusivity" => 0.005,
                    "angular velocity" => 0.5,
                    "length scale" => Lx/2,
                     "Fourier" => 1.0,
                     "CFL" => 0.5,
                     "lineheater_flux" => -2.0,
                     "areaheater_freq" => 1.0,
                     "areaheater_temp" => 2.0,
                     "areaheater_coeff" => 100.0
Dict{String, Float64} with 9 entries:
  "areaheater_coeff" => 100.0
  "Fourier"          => 1.0
  "areaheater_temp"  => 2.0
  "CFL"              => 0.5
  "diffusivity"      => 0.005
  "length scale"     => 2.0
  "lineheater_flux"  => -2.0
  "angular velocity" => 0.5
  "areaheater_freq"  => 1.0

Specifying the forcing regions and models and convection velocity model

We first create the square line heater and place it at $(0,1)$. Its associated model function is very simple, since it just sets the strength uniformly. But note the function signature, which must always take this form. It can make use of the current temperature, time, and physical parameters, to return the strength of the line forcing. We bundle these together using LineForcingModel.

fregion1 = Square(0.5,1.4*Δx)
tr1 = RigidTransform((0.0,1.0),0.0)

function model1!(σ,T,t,fr::LineRegionCache,phys_params)
    σ .= phys_params["lineheater_flux"]
lfm = LineForcingModel(fregion1,tr1,model1!);

Now the oscillatory heater, which we place at $(0,-0.5)$. This one has a few more parameters, since we provide the heat transfer coefficient and the amplitude and frequency of the target temperature. These are bundled with AreaForcingModel.

fregion2 = Circle(0.2,1.4*Δx)
tr2 = RigidTransform((0.0,-0.5),0.0)

function model2!(σ,T,t,fr::AreaRegionCache,phys_params)
    f = phys_params["areaheater_freq"]
    T0 = phys_params["areaheater_temp"]
    h = phys_params["areaheater_coeff"]
    σ .= h*(T0*cos(2π*f*t) - T)
afm = AreaForcingModel(fregion2,tr2,model2!);

Finally, the convection velocity model. Here, we make use of the coordinate function x_gridgrad and y_gridgrad to supply the coordinates of the velocity grid points. Since this is a staggered grid, the velocity components live at different places. For example, yg.u denotes the $y$ coordinates for the horizontal velocity components, and xg.v denotes the $x$ coordinates for the vertical velocity components.

function my_velocity!(vel,t,cache,phys_params)
    xg, yg = x_gridgrad(cache), y_gridgrad(cache)
    Ω = phys_params["angular velocity"]
    vel.u .= -Ω*yg.u
    vel.v .= Ω*xg.v
    return vel
my_velocity! (generic function with 1 method)

We pack the forcing and convection together into the forcing Dict:

forcing_dict = Dict("heating models" => [lfm,afm],
                    "convection velocity model" => my_velocity!)
Dict{String, Any} with 2 entries:
  "convection velocity model" => my_velocity!
  "heating models"            => AbstractForcingModel[LineForcingModel{Polygon{…

Construct the ODE function and the extra cache

For the RHS of the heat conduction equation, we calculate the convective derivative and the external heating.

function heatconduction_rhs!(dT,T,x,sys::ILMSystem,t)
    @unpack forcing, phys_params, extra_cache, base_cache = sys
    @unpack cdcache, fcache, v, dT_tmp = extra_cache

    # This provides the convection velocity at time `t`
    forcing["convection velocity model"](v,t,base_cache,phys_params)

    # Compute the convective derivative term `N(v,T)`
    dT .= -dT_tmp

    # Compute the contribution from the forcing models to the right-hand side
    dT .+= dT_tmp

    return dT
heatconduction_rhs! (generic function with 1 method)

We create a problem type for this, define the extra cache, and extend prob_cache

@ilmproblem UnboundedHeatConduction scalar

struct UnboundedHeatConductionCache{VT,CDT,FRT,DTT,FT} <: AbstractExtraILMCache
   v :: VT
   cdcache :: CDT
   fcache :: FRT
   dT_tmp :: DTT
   f :: FT

function ImmersedLayers.prob_cache(prob::UnboundedHeatConductionProblem,
                                   base_cache::BasicILMCache{N,scaling}) where {N,scaling}
    @unpack phys_params, forcing = prob
    @unpack gdata_cache, g = base_cache

    # Construct a Lapacian outfitted with the diffusivity
    κ = phys_params["diffusivity"]
    heat_L = Laplacian(base_cache,κ)

    # Create cache for the convective derivative
    v = zeros_gridgrad(base_cache)
    cdcache = ConvectiveDerivativeCache(base_cache)

    # Create cache for the forcing regions
    fcache = ForcingModelAndRegion(forcing["heating models"],base_cache)

    dT_tmp = zeros_grid(base_cache)

    # The state here is temperature, and we just supply the RHS function
    f = ODEFunctionList(state = zeros_grid(base_cache),


The last definition we need is for a timestep function. This time, we take into account both the Fourier and the CFL conditions:

function timestep_fourier_cfl(u,sys)
    @unpack phys_params = sys
    g = get_grid(sys)
    κ = phys_params["diffusivity"]
    Ω = phys_params["angular velocity"]
    L = phys_params["length scale"]
    Fo = phys_params["Fourier"]
    Co = phys_params["CFL"]
    Δt = min(Fo*cellsize(g)^2/κ,Co*cellsize(g)/Ω/L)
    return Δt
timestep_fourier_cfl (generic function with 1 method)

As in the last example, we also define the temperature output function for output

temperature(T,σ,x,sys::ILMSystem,t) = T
@snapshotoutput temperature

Set up the problem and system

This is similar to previous problems.

prob = UnboundedHeatConductionProblem(g,scaling=GridScaling,

sys = construct_system(prob);

Solve the problem

As before, we first initialize the state, then we create an integrator, and finally, advance the solution in time

u0 = init_sol(sys)
tspan = (0.0,2.0)
integrator = init(u0,tspan,sys)
t: 0.0
u: (Primal nodes in a (nx = 408, ny = 408) cell grid of type Float64 data
  Number of Primal nodes: (nx = 407, ny = 407), Float64[])

Run the problem for one time unit


Let's see what this looks like. We will plot a set of snapshots in an array.

sol = integrator.sol

plt = plot(layout = (2,3), size = (700, 500), legend=:false)
for (i,t) in enumerate(0:0.2:1.0)
Example block output

Forcing functions


Return the coordinates (as VectorData) of the surface points associated with cache


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