Stokes flow
Here, we'll demonstrate a solution of the Stokes equations, with Dirichlet (i.e. no-slip) boundary conditions on a surface. The purpose of this case is to demonstrate the use of the tools with vector-valued data – in this case, the fluid velocity field.
After taking the curl of the velocity-pressure form of the Stokes equations, the governing equations for this problem can be written as
\[\mu \nabla^2 \omega - \nabla \times (\delta(\chi) \mathbf{\sigma}) = \nabla\times \nabla \cdot (\delta(\chi)\mathbf{\Sigma})\]
\[\delta^T(\chi) \mathbf{v} = \overline{\mathbf{v}}_b\]
\[\mathbf{v} = \nabla \phi + \nabla\times \psi\]
where $\psi$ and $\phi$ are the solutions of
\[\nabla^2 \psi = -\omega\]
\[\nabla^2 \phi = \delta(\chi) \mathbf{n}\cdot [\mathbf{v}_b]\]
and $\mathbf{\Sigma} = \mu ([\mathbf{v}_b]\mathbf{n} + \mathbf{n} [\mathbf{v}_b] - \mathbf{n}\cdot[\mathbf{v}_b]\mathbf{I})$ is a surface viscous flux tensor; and $[\mathbf{v}_b] = \mathbf{v}_b^+ - \mathbf{v}_b^-$ and $\overline{\mathbf{v}}_b = (\mathbf{v}_b^+ + \mathbf{v}_b^-)/2$ are the jump and average of the surface velocities on either side of a surface.
We can discretize and combine these equations into a saddle-point form for $\psi$ and $\sigma$:
\[\begin{bmatrix}L^2 & C_s^T \\ C_s & 0 \end{bmatrix}\begin{pmatrix} \psi \\ \mathbf{\sigma} \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} -C D_s [\mathbf{v}_b] \\ \overline{\mathbf{v}}_b - G_s L^{-1} R \mathbf{n}\cdot [\mathbf{v}_b] \end{pmatrix}\]
Note that $L^2$ represents the discrete biharmonic operator. (We have absorbed the viscosity $\mu$ into the scaling of the problem.)
We can easily break this down into algorithmic form by the same block-LU decomposition of other problems. The difference here is that $\mathbf{v}$ and $\mathbf{\sigma}$ are vector-valued, so we treat this fundamentally as a vector-valued problem.
using ImmersedLayers
using Plots
using LinearAlgebra
using UnPack
Set up the extra cache and solve function
The problem type is generated with the usual macro call, but now with vector
@ilmproblem StokesFlow vector
As with other cases, the extra cache holds additional intermediate data, as well as the Schur complement. We need a few more intermediate variable for this problem. We'll also construct the filtering matrix for showing the traction field.
struct StokesFlowCache{SMT,SSMT,CMT,RCT,DVT,VNT,ST,VFT,FT} <: AbstractExtraILMCache
S :: SMT
Ss :: SSMT
C :: CMT
Rc :: RCT
dv :: DVT
vb :: DVT
vprime :: DVT
dvn :: VNT
sstar :: ST
vϕ :: VFT
ϕ :: FT
Extend the prob_cache
function to construct the extra cache
function ImmersedLayers.prob_cache(prob::StokesFlowProblem,base_cache::BasicILMCache)
S = create_CL2invCT(base_cache)
Ss = create_CLinvCT_scalar(base_cache)
C = create_surface_filter(base_cache)
dv = zeros_surface(base_cache)
vb = zeros_surface(base_cache)
vprime = zeros_surface(base_cache)
dvn = ScalarData(dv)
sstar = zeros_gridcurl(base_cache)
vϕ = zeros_grid(base_cache)
ϕ = Nodes(Primal,sstar)
Rc = RegularizationMatrix(base_cache,dvn,ϕ)
And finally, extend the solve
function to do the actual solving. We pass in the external and internal surface velocities via the bc
keyword The function returns the velocity field, streamfunction field, and surface traction
function ImmersedLayers.solve(prob::StokesFlowProblem,sys::ILMSystem)
@unpack extra_cache, base_cache, bc, phys_params = sys
@unpack nrm = base_cache
@unpack S, Ss, C, Rc, dv, vb, vprime, sstar, dvn, vϕ, ϕ = extra_cache
σ = zeros_surface(sys)
s = zeros_gridcurl(sys)
v = zeros_grid(sys)
# Get the jumps in velocity across surface
# Compute ψ*
sstar .*= -1.0
# Adjustment for jump in normal velocity
# Get the average velocity on the surface
vprime .= vb - vprime
# Compute surface velocity due to ψ*
# Spurious slip
vprime .-= vb
σ .= S\vprime
# Correction streamfunction
s .*= -1.0
# Correct
s .+= sstar
# Assemble the velocity
v .+= vϕ
# Add the streamfunction equivalent to scalar potential
ds = zeros_surfacescalar(base_cache)
ds .= Ss\ds
sstar .*= -1.0
s .+= sstar
# Filter the traction twice to clean it up a bit
σ .= C^2*σ
return v, s, σ
Set up a grid, body, and boundary conditions
We'll consider a rectangle here
Δx = 0.01
Lx = 4.0
xlim = (-Lx/2,Lx/2)
ylim = (-Lx/2,Lx/2)
g = PhysicalGrid(xlim,ylim,Δx)
Δs = 1.4*cellsize(g)
body = Rectangle(0.5,0.25,Δs)
Closed polygon with 4 vertices and 214 points
Current position: (0.0,0.0)
Current angle (rad): 0.0
Set up the boundary condition functions and assemble them into a Dict
. We will consider the flow generated by simply translating the body to the right at unit velocity. We set the external $x$ velocity to 1 and $y$ velocity to zero. The internal velocity we set to zero.
function get_vsplus(base_cache,phys_params)
vsplus = zeros_surface(base_cache)
vsplus.u .= 1.0
return vsplus
get_vsminus(base_cache,phys_params) = zeros_surface(base_cache)
bcdict = Dict("exterior"=>get_vsplus,"interior"=>get_vsminus)
Dict{String, Function} with 2 entries:
"interior" => get_vsminus
"exterior" => get_vsplus
Set up the problem and the system, passing in the boundary condition information
prob = StokesFlowProblem(g,body,scaling=GridScaling,bc=bcdict)
sys = construct_system(prob);
Solve the problem
@time v, s, σ = solve(prob,sys)
0.103052 seconds (200.79 k allocations: 56.412 MiB, 14.56% compilation time)
Let's look at the velocity components
Note that the velocity is zero inside, as desired. Let's look at the streamlines here
We'll plot the surface traction components, too.
Now, let's apply a different motion, where we rotate it counter-clockwise at unit angular velocity. We simply re-define the external velocity function.
function get_vsplus(base_cache,phys_params)
pts = points(base_cache)
vsplus = zeros_surface(base_cache)
vsplus.u .= -pts.v
vsplus.v .= pts.u
return vsplus
get_vsplus (generic function with 1 method)
Solve it again and plot the velocity and streamlines
v, s, σ = solve(prob,sys)
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