Surface-grid operations
Here, we will discuss the various surface-grid operators available in the package. We will start by generating the cache, just as we did in Immersed layer caches
using ImmersedLayers
using Plots
using LinearAlgebra
Set up the grid, shape, and cache
We do this just as we did in Immersed layer caches
Δx = 0.01
Lx = 4.0
xlim = (-Lx/2,Lx/2)
ylim = (-Lx/2,Lx/2)
g = PhysicalGrid(xlim,ylim,Δx)
RadC = 1.0
Δs = 1.4*cellsize(g)
body = Circle(RadC,Δs)
cache = SurfaceScalarCache(body,g,scaling=GridScaling)
Surface cache with scaling of type GridScaling
448 point data of type ScalarData{448, Float64, Vector{Float64}}
Grid data of type Nodes{Primal, 405, 405, Float64, Matrix{Float64}}
Basic regularization and interpolation
Let's perform an example in which we regularize the x coordinate of the surface points onto the grid. We can get the surface coordinates by using the points
function. This can be applied either to body
directly or to the cache
. As for any VectorData
type, the components of pts
are pts.u
and pts.v
pts = points(cache);
Now, we set up some blank grid data on which to regularize onto
gx = zeros_grid(cache);
Now regularize. We will time it to show that it is fast and memory-efficient:
@time regularize!(gx,pts.u,cache);
0.001504 seconds (35.97 k allocations: 562.078 KiB)
Let's plot this to look at it. This also gives us a chance to highlight the plot recipe for grid data associated with the cache, which is achieved by simply supplying the cache to the plot
function in Plots.jl
. By default, this plots the immersed points, as well, but this can be suppressed by adding the keyword layers=false
This shows how the regularization spreads the data over a couple of cells around the surface. In the parlance of potential theory, this is a single layer. If we wish to interpolate, then we do so with the [interpolate!
] function. For example, suppose we have a uniform field that we wish to interpolate:
oc = 2.5*ones_grid(cache)
Nodes{Primal, 405, 405, Float64, Matrix{Float64}} data
Printing in grid orientation (lower left is (1,1))
404×404 Matrix{Float64}:
2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 … 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
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Now set up some surface data to receive the interpolated data, and interpolate:
f = zeros_surface(cache);
448 points of scalar-valued Float64 data
448-element Vector{Float64}:
It is clear that the interpolation preserves the value of the field. This is also true for linearly varying fields, since the DDF is built to ensure this. Let's try this, using the $x$ coordinate of the grid. Here, we use the coordinates
function of CartesianGrids.jl
, which gets the coordinates of the grid, and set the values of grid data to the $x$ coordinate. We interpolate and plot, comparing to the actual $x$ coordinate of the points on the body:
xg = x_grid(cache)
plot(f,cache,ylim=(-2,2),label="Interpolated from grid",ylabel="x",xlabel="arclength")
plot!(pts.u,cache,label="Actual body coordinate",legend=:true)
A double layer
Now we will generate a double layer. Mathematically, this takes the form
\[D_s f = \nabla\cdot \left( \delta(\chi) \mathbf{n} f \right)\]
for some scalar data $f$ on the surface. (See Background for an example.) Notice that it maps scalar data on the surface ($f$) to scalar data in space. So to calculate this using our discrete tools, we set up some grid data to receive the result. Then, we use the function surface_divergence!
to compute the double layer. Here, we will demonstrate this on the $y$ coordinate of the surface points:
dl = zeros_grid(cache)
If the surface data are vectors, $\mathbf{f}$, then this operation is a little different:
\[D_s \mathbf{f} = \nabla\cdot \left[\delta(\chi) \left( \mathbf{n} \mathbf{f} + \mathbf{f} \mathbf{n} \right) \right]\]
This maps $\mathbf{f}$ to a vector field. We use this in conjunction with a cache generated with SurfaceVectorCache
The transpose of the double layer, $D_s$, is the operation
\[G_s u = \mathbf{n}\cdot \delta^{T}(\chi) \nabla u\]
for some scalar field data $u$. This operation computes the gradient of the field data, interpolates this gradient onto the surface, and obtains the normal component of that surface data. As such, it represents an important tool for computing the normal derivative of field data on a surface. In the package, we use surface_grad!
for this operation.
The vector field version of this is
\[G_s \mathbf{u} = \mathbf{n}\cdot \delta^{T}(\chi) (\nabla \mathbf{u} + \nabla^{T} \mathbf{u})\]
which maps vector field data $\mathbf{u}$ to vector-valued surface data.
A curl layer
We also sometimes need to take the curl of the regularized surface data,
\[C_s f = \nabla\times \left( \delta(\chi) \mathbf{n} f \right)\]
For this, we use the surface_curl!
operator. Let's demonstrate this on a uniform field on the surface.
gc = zeros_gridcurl(cache)
f = ones_surface(cache)
The continuous version of this operation is actually zero. It's not quite zero in discrete form. However, its norm is much smaller than that of the double layer.
Finally, a pair of operations that are used in support of the previous ones, or occasionally on their own, are
\[R_n f = \delta(\chi)\mathbf{n}\circ f\]
for scalar surface data $f$, which maps to a vector field, effectively a field of doublet strengths; and its transpose
\[R_n^T \mathbf{u} = \mathbf{n}\cdot \delta^{T}(\chi)\mathbf{u}\]
which maps vector field data $\mathbf{u}$ to a scalar surface field, the normal component of the vector field on the surface. These are provided by regularize_normal!
and normal_interpolate!
, respectively.
Masks are grid data that take the value 1 in one region (e.g., the interior of a surface) and 0 in the other (e.g., the exterior). The functions mask
and complementary_mask
achieve this
m = mask(cache)
cm = complementary_mask(cache)
One can apply a mask to some grid data by multiplying it, using, e.g., the product!
function in CartesianGrids.jl
. Let's demonstrate that with the grid data of $x$ coordinates:
xmask = zeros_grid(cache)
xcmask = zeros_grid(cache)
The mask and complementary mask effectively partition the field into two parts. We can also apply masks in place, using mask!
and complementary_mask!
xmask .= xg
Surface-grid operator functions
— Functionregularize!(s::Nodes{Primal},f::ScalarData,cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $s = R_c f$, which regularizes scalar surface data f
onto the grid in the form of scalar grid data s
. This is the adjoint to interpolate!
The operation $s = R_N f$, which regularizes scalar surface data f
onto the grid in the form of scalar grid (curl) data s
. Only works if the cache is built for vector data. This is the adjoint to interpolate!
The operation $\mathbf{v} = R_f \mathbf{v}_b$, which regularizes vector surface data vb
onto the grid in the form of scalar grid data v
. This is the adjoint to interpolate!
— Functioninterpolate!(f::ScalarData,s::Nodes{Primal},cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $f = R_c^T s$, which interpolates scalar grid data s
onto the surface points in the form of scalar point data f
. This is the adjoint to regularize!
The operation $f = R_N^T s$, which interpolates scalar grid (curl) data s
onto the surface points in the form of scalar point data f
. Only works if the cache is built for vector data. This is the adjoint to regularize!
The operation $\mathbf{v}_b = R_c^T \mathbf{v}$, which interpolates vector grid data v
onto the surface points in the form of scalar point data vb
. This is the adjoint to regularize!
— Functionregularize_normal!(v::Edges{Primal},f::ScalarData,cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $\mathbf{v} = R_f \mathbf{n}\circ f$, which maps scalar surface data f
(like a jump in scalar potential) to grid data v
(like velocity). This is the adjoint to normal_interpolate!
The operation $\mathbf{q}_t = R_t \mathbf{n}\circ \mathbf{v}$, which maps scalar vector data v
(like a jump in velocity) to grid data qt
(like velocity-normal tensor). This is the adjoint to normal_interpolate!
— Functionregularize_normal_symm!(qt::EdgeGradient{Primal},v::VectorData,cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $\mathbf{q}_t = R_t (\mathbf{n}\circ \mathbf{v}+\mathbf{v}\circ \mathbf{n})$, which maps scalar vector data v
(like a jump in velocity) to grid data qt
(like velocity-normal tensor). This is the adjoint to normal_interpolate_symm!
— Functionnormal_interpolate!(vn::ScalarData,v::Edges{Primal},cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $v_n = \mathbf{n} \cdot R_f^T \mathbf{v}$, which maps grid data v
(like velocity) to scalar surface data vn
(like normal component of surface velocity). This is the adjoint to regularize_normal!
The operation $\mathbf{\tau} = \mathbf{n} \cdot R_t^T \mathbf{A}$, which maps grid tensor data A
(like velocity gradient tensor) to vector surface data τ
(like traction). This is the adjoint to regularize_normal!
— Functionnormal_interpolate_symm!(τ::VectorData,A::EdgeGradient{Primal},cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $\mathbf{\tau} = \mathbf{n} \cdot R_t^T (\mathbf{A} +\mathbf{A}^T - (\mathrm{tr}\mathbf{A})\mathbf{I})$, which maps grid tensor data A
(like velocity gradient tensor) to vector surface data τ
(like traction). This is the adjoint to regularize_normal_symm!
— Functionregularize_normal_cross!(v::Edges{Primal},f::ScalarData,cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $\mathbf{v} = R_f \mathbf{n}\times f \mathbf{e}_z$, which maps scalar surface data f
(like a jump in streamfunction, endowed with the out-of-plane unit vector $\mathbf{e}_z$) to grid data v
(like velocity). This is the negative adjoint to normal_cross_interpolate!
The operation $\omega = R_N \mathbf{n}\times \mathbf{v}_s$, which maps surface vector data vs
(like a jump in velocity) to grid dual nodal data w
(like vorticity). This is for use only with vector-data caches. This is the negative adjoint to normal_cross_interpolate!
— Functionnormal_cross_interpolate!(wn::ScalarData,v::Edges{Primal},cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $w_n = e_z\cdot (\mathbf{n} \times R_f^T \mathbf{v})$, which maps grid data v
(like velocity) to scalar surface data wn
(like vorticity in the surface). This is the negative adjoint to regularize_normal_cross!
The operation $\mathbf{v}_s = \mathbf{n}\times R_N^T \psi\mathbf{e}_z)$, which maps grid data s
(like streamfunction) to vector surface data vs
(like velocity in the surface). It only works for a vector-type cache. This is the negative adjoint to regularize_normal_cross!
— Functionregularize_normal_dot!(f::Nodes{Primal},vs::VectorData,cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $\phi = R_c \mathbf{n}\cdot \mathbf{v}_s$, which maps surface vector data vs
(like a jump in velocity) to grid nodal data f
(like scalar potential). This is the negative adjoint to normal_dot_interpolate!
The operation $\mathbf{v} = R_f \mathbf{n}\cdot \mathbf{\tau}_s$, which maps surface tensor data taus
(like a stress) to grid edge data v
(like velocity). This is the negative adjoint to normal_dot_interpolate!
— Functionnormal_dot_interpolate!(vs::VectorData,f::Nodes{Primal},cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $\mathbf{v}_s = \mathbf{n} R_c^T \phi$, which maps grid nodal data f
(like scalar potential) to surface vector data vs
(like velocity). This is the negative adjoint to regularize_normal_dot!
The operation $\mathbf{\tau}_s = \mathbf{n}\circ R_f^T\mathbf{v}$, which maps grid edge data v
(like velocity) to surface tensor data taus
(like stress). This is the negative adjoint to regularize_normal_dot!
— Functionsurface_divergence!(Θ::Nodes{Primal},f::ScalarData,cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $\theta = D_s f = D R_f \mathbf{n} \circ f$, which maps surface scalar data f
(like jump in scalar potential) to grid data Θ
(like dilatation, i.e. divergence of velocity). This is the negative adjoint of surface_grad!
. Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
The operation $\mathbf{v} = D_s d\mathbf{v} = D R_t (\mathbf{n} \circ d\mathbf{v})$, which maps surface vector data dv
(like jump in velocity) to grid data v
(like velocity). This is the negative adjoint of surface_grad!
. Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
— Functionsurface_grad!(vn::ScalarData,ϕ::Nodes{Primal},cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $v_n = G_s\phi = \mathbf{n} \cdot R_f^T G\phi$, which maps grid data ϕ
(like scalar potential) to scalar surface data vn
(like normal component of velocity). This is the negative adjoint of surface_divergence!
. Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
The operation $\mathbf{\tau} = G_s v = \mathbf{n} \cdot R_t^T G \mathbf{v}$, which maps grid vector data v
(like velocity) to vector surface data τ
(like traction). This is the negative adjoint of surface_divergence!
. Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
— Functionsurface_curl!(w::Nodes{Dual},f::ScalarData,cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $w = C_s^T f = C^T R_f \mathbf{n}\circ f$, which maps scalar surface data f
(like a jump in scalar potential) to grid data w
(like vorticity). This is the adjoint to $C_s$, also given by surface_curl!
(but with arguments switched). Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
The operation $w = C_s^T \mathbf{v} = C^T R_f \mathbf{v}$, which maps vector surface data v
(like velocity) to grid data w
(like vorticity). This is the adjoint to $C_s$, also given by surface_curl!
(but with arguments switched). Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
The operation $v_n = C_s s = \mathbf{n} \cdot R_f^T C s$, which maps grid data s
(like streamfunction) to scalar surface data vn
(like normal component of velocity). This is the adjoint to $C_s^T$, also given by surface_curl!
, but with arguments switched. Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
The operation $\mathbf{v} = C_s s = R_f^T C s$, which maps grid data s
(like streamfunction) to vector surface data v
(like velocity). This is the adjoint to $C_s^T$, also given by surface_curl!
, but with arguments switched. Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
— Functionsurface_divergence_symm!(v::Edges{Primal},dv::VectorData,cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $\mathbf{v} = D_s d\mathbf{v} = D R_t (\mathbf{n} \circ d\mathbf{v} + d\mathbf{v} \circ \mathbf{n})$, which maps surface vector data dv
(like jump in velocity) to grid data v
(like velocity). This is the negative adjoint of surface_grad_symm!
. Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
— Functionsurface_divergence_cross!(Θ::Nodes{Primal},f::ScalarData,cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $\theta = \hat{D}_s f = D R_f \mathbf{n} \times f \mathbf{e}_z$, which maps surface scalar data f
(like jump in streamfunction) to grid data Θ
(like dilatation, i.e. divergence of velocity). This is the adjoint of surface_grad_cross!
. Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
— Functionsurface_grad_symm!(τ::VectorData,v::Edges{Primal},cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $\mathbf{\tau} = G_s v = \mathbf{n} \cdot R_t^T (G \mathbf{v} + (G \mathbf{v})^T)$, which maps grid vector data v
(like velocity) to vector surface data τ
(like traction). This is the negative adjoint of surface_divergence_symm!
. Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
— Functionsurface_grad_cross!(γ::ScalarData,ϕ::Nodes{Primal},cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $\gamma = \hat{G}_s\phi = \mathbf{e}_z \cdot (\mathbf{n} \times R_f^T G\phi)$, which maps grid data ϕ
(like scalar potential) to scalar surface data γ
(like surface vorticity). This is the adjoint of surface_divergence_cross!
. Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
— Functionsurface_curl_cross!(w::Nodes{Dual},f::ScalarData,cache::BasicILMCache)
The operation $w = \hat{C}_s^T f = C^T R_f \mathbf{n}\times f \mathbf{e}_z$, which maps scalar surface data f
(like a jump in streamfunction, multiplied by out-of-plane unit vector $\mathbf{e}_z$) to grid data w
(like vorticity). This is the adjoint to $\hat{C}_s$, also given by surface_curl_cross!
(but with arguments switched). Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
The operation $\gamma = \hat{C}_s s = \mathbf{e}_z\cdot (\mathbf{n} \times R_f^T C s)$, which maps grid data s
(like streamfunction) to scalar surface data γ
(like vorticity in the surface). This is the adjoint to $\hat{C}_s^T$, also given by surface_curl_cross!
, but with arguments switched. Note that the differential operations are divided either by 1 or by the grid cell size, depending on whether sys
has been designated with IndexScaling
or GridScaling
, respectively.
— Functionmask!(w::GridData,cache::BasicILMCache)
Mask the data w
in place by multiplying it by 1s inside of a surface (i.e., on a side opposite the normal vectors) and 0s outside. The grid data w
must be of the same type as the output data type of cache
. Only allows cache
to have GridScaling
Mask the data w
in place by multiplying it by 1s inside of surface surface
(i.e., on a side opposite the normal vectors) and 0s outside.
— Functionmask(cache::BasicILMCache) -> GridData
mask(sys::ILMSystem) -> GridData
Create grid data that consist of 1s inside of a surface (i.e., on a side opposite the normal vectors) and 0s outside. The grid data are the same type as the output data type of sys
. Only allows sys
to have GridScaling
. If the cache has no immersed surface, then it reverts to 1s everywhere.
Create grid data that consist of 1s inside of surface surface
(i.e., on a side opposite the normal vectors) and 0s outside. The grid data are the same type as w
Return the mask for the given area region ar
— Functioncomplementary_mask!(w::GridData,cache::BasicILMCache)
Mask the data w
in place by multiplying it by 0s inside of a surface (i.e., on a side opposite the normal vectors) and 1s outside. The grid data w
must be of the same type as the output data type of cache
. Only allows cache
to have GridScaling
Mask the data w
in place by multiplying it by 0s inside of surface surface
(i.e., on a side opposite the normal vectors) and 1s outside.
— Functioncomplementary_mask(cache::BasicILMCache) -> GridData
complementary_mask(sys::ILMSystem) -> GridData
Create grid data that consist of 0s inside of a surface (i.e., on a side opposite the normal vectors) and 1s outside. The grid data are the same type as the output data type of cache
. Only allows cache
to have GridScaling
. If the cache has no immersed surface, then it reverts to 0s everywhere.
Create grid data that consist of 0s inside of surface surface
(i.e., on a side opposite the normal vectors) and 1s outside. The grid data are the same type as w
This page was generated using Literate.jl.