Deforming bodies
Thus far we have only shown rigid body motion. However, we can also prescribe surface deformation as an additional component of a body's motion.
using RigidBodyTools
using Plots
Before we get started, let's define the same macro that we used earlier in order to visualize our system's motion
macro animate_motion(b,m,dt,tmax,xlim,ylim)
return esc(quote
bc = deepcopy($b)
t0, x0 = 0.0, init_motion_state(bc,$m)
dxdt = zero(x0)
x = copy(x0)
@gif for t in t0:$dt:t0+$tmax
global x += dxdt*$dt
end every 5
@animate_motion (macro with 1 method)
For deforming bodies, we specify the velocity of the surface directly. This deformation velocity is expressed in the coordinate system attached to the body, rather than the inertial coordinate system. This enables the motion to be easily superposed with the rigid-body motion described earlier.
It is also important to note that the motion is applied to the endpoints of the surface segments. The midpoints are then constructed from the updated endpoints.
Example: Basic deformation
Let's see an example. We will create an oscillatory deformation of a circle. We create the motion by creating functions for each component of velocity.
Ω = 2π
ufcn(x,y,t) = 0.25*x*y*Ω*cos(Ω*t)
vfcn(x,y,t) = 0.25*(x^2-y^2)*Ω*cos(Ω*t)
def = DeformationMotion(ufcn,vfcn)
DeformationMotion{typeof(Main.ufcn), typeof(Main.vfcn)}(Main.ufcn, Main.vfcn)
We will create a simple fixed revolute joint that anchors the body's center to the inertial system. (Note that we don't need to create a body list here, since we are only working with one body and one joint.)
Xp_to_jp = MotionTransform(0.0,0.0,0.0)
Xc_to_jc = MotionTransform(0.0,0.0,0.0)
dofs = [ConstantVelocityDOF(0.0)]
joint = Joint(RevoluteJoint,0,Xp_to_jp,1,Xc_to_jc,dofs)
body = Circle(1.0,0.02)
Circular body with 312 points and radius 1.0
Current position: (0.0,0.0)
Current angle (rad): 0.0
To construct the system, we supply the joint and body, as before, as well as the deformation.
ls = RigidBodyMotion(joint,body,def)
1 linked system(s) of bodies
1 bodies
1 joints
Let's animate this motion
@animate_motion body ls 0.01 4 (-2,2) (-2,2)
The body remains fixed, but the surface deforms!
Example: Expanding motion
Now a circle undergoing an expansion. For this, we set constant velocity components equal to constants, the coordinates of the surface segment endpoints
body = Circle(1.0,0.02)
u = copy(body.x̃end)
v = copy(body.ỹend)
def = ConstantDeformationMotion(u,v)
ls = RigidBodyMotion(joint,body,def)
@animate_motion body ls 0.01 2 (-5,5) (-5,5)
Example: Combining rigid motion and deforming motion.
Now, let's combine an oscillatory rigid-body rotation with oscillatory deformation, this time applied to a square.
Xp_to_jp = MotionTransform(0.0,0.0,0.0)
Xc_to_jc = MotionTransform(0.0,0.0,0.0)
Ω = 1.0
dofs = [OscillatoryDOF(π/4,Ω,0.0,0.0)]
joint = Joint(RevoluteJoint,0,Xp_to_jp,1,Xc_to_jc,dofs)
body = Square(1.0,0.02)
ufcn(x,y,t) = 0.25*(x^2+y^2)*y*Ω*cos(Ω*t)
vfcn(x,y,t) = -0.25*(x^2+y^2)*x*Ω*cos(Ω*t)
def = DeformationMotion(ufcn,vfcn)
ls = RigidBodyMotion(joint,body,def)
@animate_motion body ls π/100 4π (-2,2) (-2,2)
Example: Defining new deformations
We can also define new types of deformation that are more specialized. We need only define a subtype of AbstractDeformationMotion
and extend the function deformation_velocity
to work with it. The signature of this function is deformation_velocity(body,deformation,time)
For example, let's define a motion on a rectangular shape that will deform only the top side in the normal direction, but leave the rest of the surface stationary. We will use the side
field of the Polygon
shape type to access the top, and set its vertical velocity.
struct TopMotion{UT} <: AbstractDeformationMotion
vtop :: UT
function RigidBodyTools.deformation_velocity(body::Polygon,def::TopMotion,t::Real)
u, v = zero(body.x̃end), zero(body.ỹend)
top = body.side[3]
v[top] .= def.vtop.(body.x̃end[top],body.ỹend[top],t)
return vcat(u,v)
Now apply it
Xp_to_jp = MotionTransform(0.0,0.0,0.0)
Xc_to_jc = MotionTransform(0.0,0.0,0.0)
dofs = [ConstantVelocityDOF(0.0)]
joint = Joint(RevoluteJoint,0,Xp_to_jp,1,Xc_to_jc,dofs)
body = Rectangle(1.0,2.0,0.02)
vfcn(x,y,t) = 0.2*(1-x^2)*cos(t)
def = TopMotion(vfcn)
ls = RigidBodyMotion(joint,body,def)
1 linked system(s) of bodies
1 bodies
1 joints
Let's try it out
@animate_motion body ls π/100 4π (-1.5,1.5) (-2.5,2.5)
As desired, the top surface deforms vertically, but the rest of the surface is stationary.
Deformation functions
— TypeDeformationMotion(u::Function,v::Function)
Create an instance of directly-specified velocity whose components are specified with functions. These functions u
and v
must each be of the form f(x̃,ỹ,t)
, where x̃
and ỹ
are coordinates of a point in the body coordinate system and t
is time, and they must return the corresponding velocity component in the body coordinate system.
— TypeConstantDeformationMotion(u::Vector{Float64},v::Vector{Float64})
Create an instance of basic directly-specified (constant) velocity, to be associated with a body whose length is the same as u
and v
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