Behaviors of degrees of freedom
To define the motion of a joint requires that we define the behavior of each of the joint's degrees of freedom. There are three different types of behavior of a degree of freedom: (1) Its motion is prescribed with a given function of time, in which case we say that the degree of freedom is constrained (2) Its motion is specified directly, but determined by a process that lies outside of the body system, in which case we say the degree of freedom is exogenous. (3) Its motion is determined indirectly by some sort of force model for its behavior, such as a spring or damper, in which case we say the degree of freedom is unconstrained.
Here, we will discuss how to set a degree of freedom with one of these behaviors, and how to set the prescribed motion, if desired.
using RigidBodyTools
using Plots
Constrained behavior (i.e., prescribed motion)
When a degree of freedom is constrained, then its behavior over time is set by some time-varying function. There are a number of different types of predefined time-varying behaviors.
Constant velocity
To specify constant velocity with some velocity, e.g. $U=1$, set
U = 1.0
k = ConstantVelocityDOF(U)
Constant velocity kinematics (velocity = 1.0)
For any prescribed motion, we can evaluate it at any specified time. It returns data of type DOFKinematicData
t = 1.0
kt = k(t)
DOFKinematicData(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
The kinematic data can be parsed with dof_position
, dof_velocity
, and dof_acceleration
Let's plot the position over time
t = range(0,3,length=301)
Oscillatory motion
We can set the position to be a sinusoidal function. For this, we set the amplitude, the angular frequency, the phase, and the mean velocity (typically zero).
A = 1.0 ## amplitude
Ω = 2π ## angular frequency
ϕ = π/2 ## phase
vel = 0 ## mean velocity
k = OscillatoryDOF(A,Ω,ϕ,vel)
Oscillatory kinematics (amplitude = 1.0, ang freq = 6.283185307179586, phase = 1.5707963267948966, mean velocity = 0.0)
Plot the position, velocity, and acceleration
Smooth ramp motion
To ramp the position from one value to another, we use the SmoothRampDOF
. For this, we need to specify the nominal velocity of the ramp, the change in position, and the time at which the ramp starts. There is an optional argument ramp
to control the ramp's smoothness. It defaults to EldredgeRamp(11.0)
, an Eldredge-type ramp with smoothness factor 11.
vel = 1.0 ## nominal ramp velocity
Δx = 1.0 ## change in position
t0 = 1.0 ## time of ramp start
k = SmoothRampDOF(vel,Δx,t0)
Smooth position ramp kinematics (nominal rate = 1.0, amplitude = 1.0, nominal time = 1.0), smoothing=logcosh ramp (aₛ = 11.0)
Plot the position
We can also ramp up the velocity from one value to another, using SmoothVelocityRampDOF
. For example,
u1 = 1.0 ## initial velocity
u2 = 2.0 ## final velocity
acc = 1.0 ## nominal acceleration of the ramp
t0 = 1.0 ## time of ramp start
k = SmoothVelocityRampDOF(acc,u1,u2,t0)
Smooth velocity ramp kinematics (nominal rate = 1.0, initial velocity = 1.0, final velocity = 2.0, nominal time = 1.0), smoothing = logcosh ramp (aₛ = 11.0)
Plot the velocity
and the position
User-defined motion
The user can specify the time-varying position by supplying a function of time and using CustomDOF
. It automatically differentiates this function to get velocity and acceleration. For example, a quadratic behavior
f(t) = 1.0*t + 2.0*t^2
k = CustomDOF(f)
Custom kinematics
Plot the position
and the velocity
and the acceleration
Exogenous and unconstrained behaviors
If the degree of freedom is to be exogenous or unconstrained, then it can be designated as such, e.g,
k = ExogenousDOF()
Exogeneously-specified DOF
k = UnconstrainedDOF()
Unconstrained DOF
Degree of freedom functions
— TypeConstantVelocityDOF(ẋ0::Float64) <: AbstractPrescribedDOFKinematics
Set kinematics with constant velocity ẋ0
— TypeOscillatoryDOF(amp,angfreq,phase,ẋ0) <: AbstractPrescribedDOFKinematics
Set sinusoidal kinematics with amplitude amp
, angular frequency angfreq
, phase phase
, and mean velocity ẋ0
. The function it provides is x(t) = ẋ0*t + amp*sin(angfreq*t+phase)
— TypeSmoothRampDOF(ẋ0,Δx,t0[;ramp=EldredgeRamp(11.0)]) <: AbstractPrescribedDOFKinematics
Kinematics describing a smooth ramp change in position Δx
starting at time t0
with nominal rate ẋ0
. Note that the sign of ẋ0
should be the same as the sign of Δx
, and will be automatically changed if they differ. The optional ramp argument is assumed to be given by the smooth ramp EldredgeRamp
with a smoothness factor of 11 (larger values lead to sharper transitions on/off the ramp), but this can be replaced by another Eldredge ramp with a different value or a ColoniusRamp
— TypeCustomDOF(f::Function) <: AbstractPrescribedDOFKinematics
Set custom kinematics for a degree of freedom with a function f
that specifies its value at any given time.
— TypeExogenousDOF() <: AbstractDOFKinematics
Sets a DOF as constrained, but with its behavior set by an exogenous process at every instant. For such a DOF, one must provide a vector [x,ẋ,ẍ]
— TypeUnconstrainedDOF([f::Function]) <: AbstractDOFKinematics
Sets a DOF as unconstrained, so that its behavior is either completely free or determined by a given force response (e.g., spring and/or damper). This force response is set by the optional input function f
. The signature of f
must be f(x,xdot,t)
, where x
and xdot
are the position of the dof and its derivative, respectively, and t
is the current time. It must return a single scalar, serving as a force or torque for that DOF.
— Functiondof_position(kd::DOFKinematicData) -> Float64
Returns the position of the given kinematic data of the degree of freedom
— Functiondof_velocity(kd::DOFKinematicData) -> Float64
Returns the velocity of the given kinematic data of the degree of freedom
— Functiondof_acceleration(kd::DOFKinematicData) -> Float64
Returns the acceleration of the given kinematic data of the degree of freedom
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