Exogenous degrees of freedom
As we mentioned in previous pages, some degrees of freedom can be designated as exogenous, meaning that their behavior is determined by some external process that we do not model explicitly. In practice, that means that the acceleration of such a degree of freedom must by explicitly provided at every time step while the state vector is being advanced.
using RigidBodyTools
using Plots
As usual, we will demonstrate this via an example. In the example, a single flat plate will be commanded to pitch upward by 45 degrees about its leading edge. It will move steadily in the +x direction. However, its y acceleration will vary randomly via some exogenous process.
Xp_to_jp = MotionTransform(0.0,0.0,0.0)
Xc_to_jc = MotionTransform(0.5,0.0,0.0)
dofs = [SmoothRampDOF(0.4,π/4,0.5),ConstantVelocityDOF(1.0),ExogenousDOF()]
joint = Joint(FreeJoint2d,0,Xp_to_jp,1,Xc_to_jc,dofs)
body = ThickPlate(1.0,0.05,0.02)
Thick plate with 104 points and length 1.0 and thickness 0.05
Current position: (0.0,0.0)
Current angle (rad): 0.0
We need to provide a means of passing along the time-varying information about the exogenous acclerations to the time integrator. There are two ways we can do this.
Method 1: A function for exogenous acclerations.
We can provide a function that will specify the exogenous y acceleration. Here, we will create a function that sets it to a random value chosen from a normal distribution. Note that the function must be mutating and have a signature (a,x,p,t)
, where a
is the exogenous acceleration vector. The arguments x
and p
are a state and a parameter, which can be flexibly defined. Here, the state is the rigid-body system state and the parameter is the RigidBodyMotion
structure. The last argument t
is time.
In this example, we don't need any of those arguments.
function my_exogenous_function!(a,x,ls,t)
a .= randn(length(a))
my_exogenous_function! (generic function with 1 method)
We pass that along via the exogenous
keyword argument.
ls = RigidBodyMotion(joint,body;exogenous=my_exogenous_function!)
1 linked system(s) of bodies
1 bodies
1 joints
Method 2: Setting the exogenous accelerations explicitly in the loop
Another approach we can take is to set the exogenous acceleration(s) explicitly in the loop, using the update_exogenous!
function. This function saves the vector of accelerations in a buffer in the RigidBodyMotion
structure so that it is available to the time integrator. We will demonstrate that approach here.
ls = RigidBodyMotion(joint,body)
1 linked system(s) of bodies
1 bodies
1 joints
Let's initialize the state vector and its rate of change
bc = deepcopy(body)
dt, tmax = 0.01, 3.0
t0, x0 = 0.0, init_motion_state(bc,ls)
dxdt = zero(x0)
x = copy(x0)
4-element Vector{Float64}:
Note that the state vector has four elements. The first two are associated with the prescribed motions for rotation and x translation. The third is the y position, the exogenous degree of freedom. And the fourth is the y velocity.
Why the y velocity? Because the exogenous behavior is specified via its acceleration. Let's advance the system and animate it. We include a horizontal line along the hinge axis to show the effect of the exogenous motion.
xhist = []
a_edof = zero_exogenous(ls)
@gif for t in t0:dt:t0+tmax
a_edof .= randn(length(a_edof))
global x += dxdt*dt
end every 5
Let's plot the exogenous state and its velocity
plot(t0:dt:t0+tmax,map(x -> exogenous_position_vector(x,ls,1)[1],xhist),label="y position",xlabel="t")
plot!(t0:dt:t0+tmax,map(x -> exogenous_velocity_vector(x,ls,1)[1],xhist),label="y velocity")
The variation in velocity is quite noisy (and constitutes a random walk). In contrast, the change in position is relatively smooth, since it represents an integral of this velocity.
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