Evaluating velocities on body surfaces

For use in mechanics problems, it is important to be able to output the velocity of the points on the surfaces of bodies at a given system state and time. We use the function surface_velocity! for this. Here, we will demonstrate its use, and particularly, its various options.

We will use a simple problem, consisting of two flat plates connected by a RevoluteJoint, and one of the plates connected to the inertial system by a FreeJoint2d, oscillating in y coordinate only.

using RigidBodyTools
using Plots

Set up the bodies, joints, and motion

body1 = Plate(1.0,200)
body2 = deepcopy(body1)

bodies = BodyList([body1,body2])
BodyList(Body[Open polygon with 2 vertices and 200 points
   Current position: (0.0,0.0)
   Current angle (rad): 0.0
, Open polygon with 2 vertices and 200 points
   Current position: (0.0,0.0)
   Current angle (rad): 0.0

Joint 1, connecting body 1 to inertial system

Xp_to_j1 = MotionTransform(0.0,0.0,0.0)
Xch_to_j1 = MotionTransform(-0.5,0.0,0.0)
dofs1 = [ConstantVelocityDOF(0),ConstantVelocityDOF(0),OscillatoryDOF(1.0,2π,0,0.0)]
joint1 = Joint(FreeJoint2d,0,Xp_to_j1,1,Xch_to_j1,dofs1)
Joint of dimension 2 and type FreeJoint2d
   Constrained dofs = [1, 2, 3]
   Exogenous dofs = Int64[]
   Unconstrained dofs = Int64[]

Joint 2, connecting body 2 to body 1

Xp_to_j2 = MotionTransform(0.5,0.0,0.0)
Xch_to_j2 = MotionTransform(-0.5,0.0,0.0)
dofs2 = [OscillatoryDOF(π/4,2π,-π/4,0.0)]
joint2 = Joint(RevoluteJoint,1,Xp_to_j2,2,Xch_to_j2,dofs2)
Joint of dimension 2 and type RevoluteJoint
   Constrained dofs = [1]
   Exogenous dofs = Int64[]
   Unconstrained dofs = Int64[]

Assemble, and get the initial joint state vector at t = 0

joints = [joint1,joint2]
ls = RigidBodyMotion(joints,bodies)
t = 0
x = init_motion_state(bodies,ls;tinit=t)
4-element Vector{Float64}:

Let's plot the bodies, just to visualize their current configuration.

Example block output

Because of the phase difference, joint 2 is bent at an angle initially.

Evaluate velocity on body points

First, initialize vectors for the u and v components in this 2d example, using the zero_body function.

u, v = zero_body(bodies), zero_body(bodies)
([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

Now evaluate the velocities at time 0


We can plot these on each body using the view function for BodyList. For example, the vectors of u and v velocities on body 1 are

bodyid = 1
s = arccoord(bodies[bodyid])
Example block output

This shows a pure vertical translation. On body 2, we see a mixture of the translation of body 1, plus the rotation of joint 2, which is reflected in the linear variation. Since the plate is at an angle, some of this rotation shows up as a negative u component.

bodyid = 2
s = arccoord(bodies[bodyid])
Example block output

We can compute these velocities in different components, using the optional axes argument. For example, let's see the velocities on body 2 in its own coordinate system

bodyid = 2
s = arccoord(bodies[bodyid])
Example block output

Now only the v component (the component perpendicular to the plate) depicts the rotation, and the u component has only a portion of the translational motion from joint 1.

We can also compute the velocity relative to a body reference frame, using the optional frame argument. Let's compute the velocities relative to the velocity of body 1 (and in body 1 coordinates) and plot them.

bodyid = 1
s = arccoord(bodies[bodyid])
Example block output

Body 1 has no velocity in this reference frame. And body 2 has only a pure rotation...

bodyid = 2
s = arccoord(bodies[bodyid])
Example block output

We do not have to remove all of the motion of the reference body when we compute velocity in a moving reference frame. We can use the motion_part keyword argument to remove only, e.g., :angular or :linear part (instead of :full, the default). For example, if we remove the angular part of body 2's motion, we are left with only the translation from joint 1

bodyid = 2
s = arccoord(bodies[bodyid])
Example block output

Surface velocity functions


Calculate the surface velocity components u and v for the points on bodies bl. The function evaluates prescribed kinematics at time t and extracts non-prescribed (exogenous and unconstrained) velocities from state vector x. There are three keyword arguments that can change the behavior of this function: axes determines whether the components returned are expressed in the inertial coordinate system (0, the default) or another body's coordinates (the body ID); frame specifies that the motion should be measured relative to another reference body's velocity (by default, 0); and motion_part determines whether the entire reference body velocity is used (:full, the default), only the angular part (:angular), or only the linear part (:linear).


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