Applying pulse forcing to a flow

Here, we will show how to apply a transient force to a flow.

using ViscousFlow
using Plots

For this case, we first seek to introduce a pulse to an otherwise quiescent fluid, with no boundaries. The pulse shape will be a smooth Gaussian-distributed force, directed upward.

We will start with the usual steps: specify the problem parameters and the discretization.

my_params = Dict()

my_params["Re"] = 200
xlim = (-2.0,2.0)
ylim = (-2.0,4.0)
my_params["grid Re"] = 4.0
g = setup_grid(xlim,ylim,my_params)
PhysicalGrid{2}((208, 308), (104, 104), 0.02, ((-2.06, 2.06), (-2.06, 4.0600000000000005)), 4)

Construct the forcing

There are a variety of forcing types available to us. Here, we will use area-type forcing, which is distributed over a region of space. We will create a short-lived force applied in the vertical direction in this region. For the spatial distribution of this forcing, we make use of a Gaussian field. We will center it at (0,0), and give it a strength of 10, using the SpatialGaussian constructor. The x component of the force we set to zero, using the EmptySpatialField constructor.

σx = 0.5
σy = 0.1
x0 = y0 = 0.0
amp = 10
force_dist = [EmptySpatialField(),SpatialGaussian(σx,σy,x0,y0,amp)];

When we introduce forcing in any problem, it is essential to supply a model function that supplies the instantaneous strength of the forcing. This gives us the opportunity to specify the transient aspect of the forcing. In this example, we modulate the force in time with a Gaussian, with a small half-width in time equal to $\sigma_t = 0.1$, effectively creating a pulse. We center it at time $t_0 = 0.1$ (using the >> shift operator). This is carried out in the function below, in which we create the modulating function modfcn. Note that fr.generated_field() provides the spatial distribution that we specified with our spatial field force_dist. This is multiplied by modfcn, our Gaussian pulse, evaluated at the current time.

function forcing_model!(σ,T,t,fr::AreaRegionCache,phys_params)
    σt = 0.1
    t0 = 0.1
    modfcn = Gaussian(σt,sqrt(π*σt^2)) >> t0
    σ .= modfcn(t)*fr.generated_field()
forcing_model! (generic function with 1 method)

We pack the model function and the spatial field together into an AreaForcingModel, which we then put into a forcing dictionary. It is important to use the key "forcing models" for this.

afm = AreaForcingModel(forcing_model!,spatialfield=force_dist)
forcing_dict = Dict("forcing models" => afm);

Construct the system structure

We supply these forcing characteristics with the keyword argument forcing as we set up the usual system structure:

sys = viscousflow_system(g,phys_params=my_params,forcing=forcing_dict);

The remaining steps go just as they did for the previous examples. We will simulate the pulse for 4 time units:

u0 = init_sol(sys)
tspan = (0.0,10.0) # longer than we need, but just being safe
integrator = init(u0,tspan,sys)
t: 0.0
u: (Dual nodes in a (nx = 208, ny = 308) cell grid of type Float64 data
  Number of Dual nodes: (nx = 208, ny = 308), Float64[])


Let's look at a sequence of snapshots of the forced flow. As we see, this short-lived force creates a dipole-like pair of counter-rotating vortices that propagates upward under its own influence.

sol = integrator.sol
plt = plot(layout = (1,4), size = (800, 300), legend=:false)
tsnap = 0.1:1.0:3.1
for (i, t) in enumerate(tsnap)
    plot!(plt[i],vorticity(sol,sys,t),sys,title="t = $(round(t,digits=2))")
Example block output

And here is another look a the flow, this time with streamlines:

plot(streamfunction(integrator),sys,title="Streamfunction at t = $(round(integrator.t,digits=2))")
Example block output

We can also supply more than one pulse. If we don't change the spatial distribution, then we just redefine the model function and run it again: Let's give 3 pulses, each separated by 1 time unit.

function forcing_model!(σ,T,t,fr::AreaRegionCache,phys_params)
    σt = 0.1
    t0 = [0.1, 1.1, 2.1]
    modfcn = (Gaussian(σt,sqrt(π*σt^2)) >> t0[1]) +
             (Gaussian(σt,sqrt(π*σt^2)) >> t0[2]) +
             (Gaussian(σt,sqrt(π*σt^2)) >> t0[3])
    σ .= modfcn(t)*fr.generated_field()
forcing_model! (generic function with 1 method)
u0 = init_sol(sys)
integrator = init(u0,tspan,sys)
t: 0.0
u: (Dual nodes in a (nx = 208, ny = 308) cell grid of type Float64 data
  Number of Dual nodes: (nx = 208, ny = 308), Float64[])


In this case, the pulses coalesce with one another

sol = integrator.sol
plt = plot(layout = (1,4), size = (800, 300), legend=:false)
tsnap = 0.1:1.0:3.1
for (i, t) in enumerate(tsnap)
    plot!(plt[i],vorticity(sol,sys,t),sys,title="t = $(round(t,digits=2))")
Example block output

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