Multiple stationary bodies

Adding multiple bodies to a problem is easy, using the concept of a BodyList. Here, we demonstrate this with a problem with multiple stationary bodies.

using ViscousFlow
using Plots
using Statistics

In this example, we will set up a problem with three cylinders arranged in a formation in a free stream.

my_params = Dict()
my_params["Re"] = 200
my_params["freestream speed"] = 1.0
my_params["freestream angle"] = 0.0

Set up the domain and surface point spacing

xlim = (-2.0,4.0)
ylim = (-2.0,2.0)
my_params["grid Re"] = 4.0
g = setup_grid(xlim,ylim,my_params)
Δs = surface_point_spacing(g,my_params)

Set up bodies

We start by initializing a BodyList, and then pushing bodies onto the list. For each body, we create a joint that will attach it to the inertial system. Each joint requires a MotionTransform to configure it, and now, a second argument that specifies which body we are joining.

bl = BodyList()

Place the first body at (-1,0)

joint1 = Joint(MotionTransform([-1,0],0),1);

Place the second body at (1,-1)

joint2 = Joint(MotionTransform([1,-1],0),2);

and place the third body at (1,1)

joint3 = Joint(MotionTransform([1,1],0),3);

Perform the actual transformation. Note that we are using the same functions as in the case of a single body, but now with vectors of joints and bodies. update_body! changes each body in the list in-place:

m = RigidBodyMotion([joint1,joint2,joint3],bl)
x = init_motion_state(bl,m)
BodyList(Body[Circular body with 112 points and radius 0.5
   Current position: (-1.0,0.0)
   Current angle (rad): 0.0
, Circular body with 112 points and radius 0.5
   Current position: (1.0,-1.0)
   Current angle (rad): 0.0
, Circular body with 112 points and radius 0.5
   Current position: (1.0,1.0)
   Current angle (rad): 0.0

Plot the initial configuration of the bodies

Just to check they are in the right places

Example block output

Construct the system structure

We construct the system with the same syntax as for a single body:

sys = viscousflow_system(g,bl,phys_params=my_params,motions=m);
u0 = init_sol(sys)
tspan = (0.0,10.0)
integrator = init(u0,tspan,sys)
t: 0.0
u: (Dual nodes in a (nx = 308, ny = 210) cell grid of type Float64 data
  Number of Dual nodes: (nx = 308, ny = 210), [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])


Here, we run it for a little while, just to demonstrate:

@time step!(integrator,2.0)
 27.007538 seconds (253.82 M allocations: 7.290 GiB, 2.79% gc time, 22.97% compilation time)


Let's inspect the results

sol = integrator.sol
plt = plot(layout = (1,3), size = (800, 200), legend=:false)
tsnap = 0.0:1.0:2.0
for (i, t) in enumerate(tsnap)
    plot!(plt[i],vorticity(sol,sys,t),sys,clim=(-10,10),levels=range(-10,10,length=30), color = :RdBu)
Example block output

Now we will examine the force on each body. Remember that, by default, the moment is computed about the center of each body's respective coordinate system.

mom1, fx1, fy1 = force(sol,sys,1)
mom2, fx2, fy2 = force(sol,sys,2)
mom3, fx3, fy3 = force(sol,sys,3);
plt = plot(layout = (2,1), size = (600, 400))
plot!(plt[1],sol.t,2*fx1,xlim=(0,Inf),ylim=(0,4),xlabel="Convective time",ylabel="\$C_D\$",label="Lead body",title="Drag force")
plot!(plt[2],sol.t,2*fy1,xlim=(0,Inf),ylim=(-2,2),xlabel="Convective time",ylabel="\$C_L\$",label="Lead body",title="Side force")
plot!(plt[1],sol.t,2*fx2,xlim=(0,Inf),ylim=(0,4),xlabel="Convective time",ylabel="\$C_D\$",label="Trailing body",title="Drag force")
plot!(plt[2],sol.t,2*fy2,xlim=(0,Inf),ylim=(-2,2),xlabel="Convective time",ylabel="\$C_L\$",label="Trailing body",title="Side force")
Example block output
println("Mean drag coefficient on lead body = ", mean(2*fx1[3:end]))
Mean drag coefficient on lead body = 0.7917371087570712
println("Mean drag coefficient on trailing body = ", mean(2*fx2[3:end]))
Mean drag coefficient on trailing body = 1.516506208884779

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