Exogenous degrees of freedom

Thus far, the motion of bodies or of incident flows has been prescribed with time-varying functions known a priori. In other words, we knew in advance how the body or free stream would behave for all time. However, it is often the case that we do not know the motion in advance, because, e.g., that motion depends on the evolving state of the fluid flow. That is the case for fluid-body interactions, in which the body motion depends on the forces imparted by the fluid on the body. It is also the case for active feedback control or reinforcement learning, in which a controller/agent might change some degree of freedom based on what is observed.

We will refer to such a degree of freedom as exogenous. In this example, we will demonstrate how the package can incorporate exogenous degrees of freedom into the flow evolution. These exogenous states are specified by providing the value of their acceleration.

The example will be a flat plate in a steady free stream at nominally zero angle of incidence. However, the y acceleration will vary randomly. Since there is only a single body and it remains rigid, we will solve the problem in a reference frame moving with the body. However, exogenous degrees of freedom can be used in problems of arbitrary motion.

In this simple example, this exogenous y acceleration will not depend on anything, but it will be obvious from the example how it could.

using ViscousFlow
using Plots

Set the Reynolds number

my_params["Re"] = 200

Set up the grid

xlim = (-2.0,4.0)
ylim = (-3.0,3.0)
my_params["grid Re"] = 3.0
g = setup_grid(xlim,ylim,my_params)
PhysicalGrid{2}((405, 404), (136, 202), 0.015, ((-2.025, 4.02), (-3.0149999999999997, 3.0149999999999997)), 4)

Set up the body

Δs = surface_point_spacing(g,my_params)
body = Plate(1.0,Δs)
Open polygon with 2 vertices and 48 points
   Current position: (0.0,0.0)
   Current angle (rad): 0.0


There won't be any rotation, so we will put the joint at the body's center.

parent_body, child_body = 0, 1
Xp = MotionTransform([0,0],0) # transform from inertial system to joint
xpiv = [0.0,0.0]
Xc = MotionTransform(xpiv,0.0)
2d motion transform, x = [0.0, 0.0], R = [1.0 0.0; -0.0 1.0]

Now set the kinematics. Rather than provide a free stream, we will set the x velocity of the body to be -1. We will set the angular velocity to zero.

adof = ConstantVelocityDOF(0)
xdof = ConstantVelocityDOF(-1)
Constant velocity kinematics (velocity = -1.0)

Now, to designate the y degree of freedom as exogenous, we simply use

ydof = ExogenousDOF()
Exogeneously-specified DOF

Now assemble the joint and the motion

dofs = [adof,xdof,ydof]
joint = Joint(FreeJoint2d,parent_body,Xp,child_body,Xc,dofs)
m = RigidBodyMotion(joint,body)
1 linked system(s) of bodies
   1 bodies
   1 joints

Set the boundary condition functions

function my_vsplus(t,x,base_cache,phys_params,motions)
  vsplus = zeros_surface(base_cache)
  return vsplus

function my_vsminus(t,x,base_cache,phys_params,motions)
  vsminus = zeros_surface(base_cache)
  return vsminus

bcdict = Dict("exterior" => my_vsplus, "interior" => my_vsminus)
Dict{String, Function} with 2 entries:
  "interior" => my_vsminus
  "exterior" => my_vsplus

Construct system and initialize

sys = viscousflow_system(g,body,phys_params=my_params,bc=bcdict,motions=m,reference_body=1);

u0 = init_sol(sys)
tspan = (0.0,10.0)
integrator = init(u0,tspan,sys)
dt = timestep(u0,sys)


To solve the problem, we advance the solution inside a loop. The timestep with which we advance is up to us, though it should be an integer multiple of the timestep used by the underlying solver (dt above). This prevents the need for expensive interpolations. We will simply set it to dt here.

Inside the loop, we update the value of the exogenous acceleration, using the update_exogenous! function. This is done with a vector of all such exogenous states, though there is only one state in this example. We draw its value from a normal distribution.

dt_advance = dt
tfinal = 2.5
for t in 0:dt_advance:tfinal
    a_y = randn()

Plot it

Plot the vorticity field

sol = integrator.sol
plt = plot(layout = (4,3), size = (900, 900), legend=:false)
tsnap = tfinal/12:tfinal/12:tfinal
for (i, t) in enumerate(tsnap)
Example block output

and compute and plot the force and moment

mom, fx, fy = force(sol,sys,1)

Example block output

We can also look at the y position and velocity. These are contained in the joint state vector, aux_state(u). We can use the functions exogenous_position_vector and exogenous_velocity_vector to access them. (The index [1] below is required because these functions return a vector of exogenous states for a particular joint. There is only one component that is exogenous in this example.

jointid = 1
y = map(u -> exogenous_position_vector(aux_state(u),m,jointid)[1],sol)
v = map(u -> exogenous_velocity_vector(aux_state(u),m,jointid)[1],sol)
Example block output

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